Are you ready for Christmas?

Are you ready for Christmas?

The last couple of weeks have been very busy for most of us. Long to-do lists and many tasks to accomplish. If you are like me you would have your long list in paper and be glad when you get to cross one item off with a pen, meaning there’s one less thing to do. After all, we all want to be ready for Christmas.   

The city is lit up, the houses are decorated, presents have been bought, cards posted, food planned, and Carols have been sang. All seems to be ready. But are you ready for Christmas?

You might say yes, I have done everything I needed to do. The house is ready, everyone is here, let’s celebrate. But have you remembered to make room for Jesus in your Christmas? On that holy night there was no room where He could be born. No place in the inn so he had to stay in a stable.

“Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus”, wrote religious leader Neal A. Maxwell. The choice is all ours. There’s a song sung by the band Casting Crowns that reflects more on this. It says “is there room in your heart for God to write his story?”

You can listen to the whole song here:

Christmas is a season that relates to gifts. And Jesus is God’s gift to the world. Are you ready to receive this precious gift in your life?

Is there room in your heart…?

There’s something even more special about this gift. Jesus didn’t stay just as a little baby. He grew up to be a man that cares for people and a man who will come again to this world as a king. Since I opened my heart to Jesus quite a few years ago he has been writing a beautiful story in my life. The same baby born in a manger, is now born in my heart, in my life. And He has been writing a story of love and hope.

So, even though you might say all is ready for Christmas, why don’t you make room for the best gift you could ever receive and be ready for a special story to be written in your life?

Have a lovely Christmas

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