New Year

A friend once sent me this New Year’s list so I have decided to pass it on to you. Hope something you read and act upon makes this year a happy new year for you.

Start each day thinking that something good is going to happen today. End each day thinking about the good things that have come.

Make a list of the 5 best things you did in 2015. It should be a good recipe for success in 2016.

Take pleasure from the things you give to others– even if it’s just a smile. Take a look at the Random Act of Kindness page on this website to see what you can do.

To help ensure you stick to the resolutions this year, spend time figuring out why you currently act in the way you do before you try to change. Often what you’re fighting against is a kind of survival armour that you built for yourself against the world many years ago. That armour has probably proven effective in some ways so you’ll be reluctant to take it off.

Another resolution essential is to have all the practical considerations in place. If you were planning to start jogging, for example, you might want to look into a pair of running shoes, decide on a route and distances and a training plan.

Use your eyes more and your brain less. You may be surprised what actually happens and what you see and do when you stop thinking about it so much.


“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.”
 T.S. Eliot

So plan to focus on what is ahead rather than regret what is behind!

Resolve to stop getting that magnifying glass out to look at little problems – and turn it on the good things instead.

Laugh the loudest when the joke is on you.

Dig a little bit deeper into a relationship with God.

I hope something here helps you make 2016 a better year than 2015. Happy New Year

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