Is true love a packet of seeds?

Is true love a box of chocolates, 12 red roses or a romantic meal?

How many Valentine cards did you get?

My husband, knowing that I make cards is always reluctant to buy one and certainly would not attempt to make one. Knowing how much I like gardening he bought me three packets of sweet pea seeds instead. As he put it “a card that lasts”. We will probably spend time together planting and tending the plants. They mean much more than a purchased card.

Did you get 12 red roses? How about chocolates or a nice romantic meal? All these things have been promoted as the way to demonstrate your love on Valentines Day. If you didn’t get any of these did you feel deprived or unloved? Are any of these things a symbol of true love?

A red rose. The symbol of true love?

A red rose. The symbol of true love?

In February, we are all aware of Valentines Day and what gifts we can buy to show how much the love of our life means to us. The shops go all out to encourage us to part with our hard earned cash. Do we need to succumb to all the commercialism?

The truth is that love, as in all relationships, requires time and effort for it to grow and mature. There are no quick fix, easy cure solutions. It takes patience, commitment and selfless behaviour. These are that cost nothing but in reality cost so much more.

What about us? What are we prepared to do What are we prepared to give up? The Bible says that Jesus through His love for us was ready to give up everything, even His life on the cross for us. 

Now that… is true love

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